I was very happy when my daughter told me that she wanted to join the Girl Scouts. The thought of sweet little girls sitting around a camp fire singing songs, doing crafts and giggling softly ran through my head. I was excited for both of us because as a child I also wanted to be a Brownie. As a matter of fact , I still have the wooden Christmas Tree napkin holder that I made at my one and only meeting. All of my hopes and dreams of being a Girl Scout were quickly fizzled by my 2 older sisters who taunted me with how "uncool" it was. Yes, they are 4 and 5 years my senior and EVERYTHING that they said, I believed.
Looking forward to my daughter's first year, I contacted the woman in charge of our local troops. I quickly learned that this Brownie group was led by a co op of mothers, so I would have my Brownie experience with my daughter! Brownies is held immediately after school in a classroom. I went to the first meeting to observe. Wow! These nine little girls were screaming, jumping on desks, climbing under desks, climbing the walls(okay the a/c units attached to the walls) but really out of control. There were 2 women leading and several older girls assisting. Yes, they did calm down, a little for the "project of the day" but overall it was OUT OF CONTROL!!!!
Now, don't get me wrong, my daughter can be pretty wild at home but in every organized setting ,since day 1 she has been praised for her excellent, quiet behavior(which she does not get from her mother). Now I see why, if these are her peers. I try not to judge , but there was one girl that everyone was feeding off of who was extra "energetic". I thought to myself, boy she needs some discipline. We all know that we should never judge and I soon relearned this lesson.
After a long discussion with my daughter about how the other girls behavior was unacceptable and that it should not be allowed to happen, she agreed. Well, who do you think was scaling the top of the desks when I came to pick up at the last meeting! Yes, my sweet baby! Of course, I immediately called her down and explained to her that she would no longer be a Brownie if she wanted to act like that.
Let me ask you, fellow bloggers, am I being too harsh or does someone need to get control of these 6 and 7 year old girls. I know this is supposed to be fun, but someone is going to get hurt and certainly badges may not get earned. LOL. Besides the fact, how am I going to lead these crazy kids:) HELP!