Monday, October 6, 2008

Squeeze that OJ

OJ deserves the big squeeze. Karma, dude. Why are they separating him from other prisoners? So he does not get what he deserves?


Anonymous said...

He's such a douche, I am sooooo glad he was found guilty. I hope he never sees the light of day again.

Sue Wilkey said...

How happy are the brown and Goldman families right now.

Anonymous said...

I think isolation is good for him.
He needs plenty of time to think of what he did to the mother of his children and Ron Goldman. All these years he's had diversions but not anymore. Sweet dreams OJ

Caffeine Court said...

He needs to be put in with all the other prisoners so they can anally violate him.

Anonymous said...

CC- lol! totally.

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Yep...what goes around comes around!

Katie Ryan said...

I was just telling my husband about how that karma got O.J.!