Thursday, October 16, 2008


Have you ever been Booed?

This is our second year in our new neighborhood and we were pleasantly surprised by Booing last year. If you have not done it, you should try it.

What you do is come up with a catchy Booing poem(or google Booing and you will find one)copy it several times, fill a bowl with fun treats for kids and ring your neighbors doorbell and leave it before they see you. What my 4 year old says is "ding,dong,ditch" which he probably learned from his 11 year old brother. We take some treats that we like, add something new then Boo! someone else.

Have Fun!!!


Anonymous said...

We Boo in the Villages somehow I was Booed 2 x Once you are booed you hang the picture of the GHOST on your door which I did but still got another treat.
This isn't something I have ever heard of before.
WE don't get any Trick or Treaters so it makes Halloween fun.
You have a resident Ghost to Boo you all year !!

Caffeine Court said...

I like to fill a paper bag with dog crap and set it on fire on someone's front step. When they stomp out the fire they get poop all over their feet!!!

So much should do it with the kids!!!

Katie Ryan said...

I see the Boo! pictures on the front doors of my neighbors, but I have yet to be Boo'd. I'm starting to take it really personally!:(

Liquid said...

This sounds fun!

Have a wonderous week ahead!

Anonymous said...

Read your mother's blog

La Pixie said...

we used to BOO at work, but we didnt this year... well, I didnt get BOOed anyway.

Petunia said...

This is such a cute idea I have never heard of!! :)

LOL at Caffeine Court!