Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Stitch Bitch

  Recently I decided to teach myself to sew. My daughter wanted to be a pumpkin for Halloween and all you can find in the stores are infant and dog pumpkin costumes. I certainly am creative enough to come up with what I would do for a pumpkin costume, but lack the art of sewing. 

  I researched a little online then bid on a basic sewing machine on ebay and won. Well, today I ventured into Joanne Fabrics and walked into the "lion's den" of sewing. 

 My machine has not arrived yet, so out of curiosity I was browsing their machines. A F** Bi***was sitting eating in the middle of all the machines and not so politely said, "Can we help you?" (we must have been the small child that she ate for lunch) I then proceeded to explain my situation to her. She responded with, "We don't sell those here and it is probably a toy for the price that you paid." I then asked her what she would recommend for a beginning sewer. She then gave me a lecture on buying on ebay. She actually said,"BUYER BEWARE!!! Most of the time things on ebay are HOT and that is wrong, you should not support crooks by buying their HOT items." She repeated HOT about four times, at which point I actually found myself chuckling and defending ebay. Then she said that I should just buy some remnants to practice stitches and probably will not want to even sew again after starting on my piece of crap Janome 3125. 

After such a warm welcome into the world of sewing, I strolled over to Borders and bought Sewing for Dummies and am now at home waiting for my crappy purchase. God help me if I have to go back and buy fabric!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ugly Duckling

   I am always trying to save some time in the morning....you know a few extra minutes of sleep. 
Well, a few weeks ago somebody complimented me on my hair, on a day when all I did was wash it and put it behind my ears. Well, this gave me the green light to do this way too often:) Anyway, last week I actually "did" my hair and boy did I hear it! "Did you get your hair highlighted?", "I love your haircut!", "Your hair looks great." Now I realize the original compliment was probably because that person did not know what to say! There goes my extra 20 minutes of sleep.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Have you ever been Booed?

This is our second year in our new neighborhood and we were pleasantly surprised by Booing last year. If you have not done it, you should try it.

What you do is come up with a catchy Booing poem(or google Booing and you will find one)copy it several times, fill a bowl with fun treats for kids and ring your neighbors doorbell and leave it before they see you. What my 4 year old says is "ding,dong,ditch" which he probably learned from his 11 year old brother. We take some treats that we like, add something new then Boo! someone else.

Have Fun!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Tennis Anyone?

As some of you know, my sister is an avid tennis player. I however, being the youngest, did not get the luxury of tennis lessons as a child. So, I watched her play and fooled around(not literally)with the ball and racket and occasionally play with some friends. I really enjoy it.

I have been giving some thought to joining a league. I even have called to play with a pro at my club to try to get a rating. Now, with all my sister's interesting stories and DRAMA, I am hesitant. So, I began asking around. Today, a woman that I do Basic Training with said that she is taking a year off because of all the craziness.She was a captain for nine years and said it was so crazy that she needed a break from it all.

I need some opinions. Do I just continue to play casually or throw myself to the wolves? I do like a little competition, but is it worth the headache?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Squeeze that OJ

OJ deserves the big squeeze. Karma, dude. Why are they separating him from other prisoners? So he does not get what he deserves?