My 4 1/2 year old son will not stop flushing things down the toilet.
Yes, the other day I found my Michael Kors watch glistening in the porcelain God.
He has been doing this type of thing since he was 2! But it used to just be toys or too much toilet paper.
Explain to him that once you flush something you never get it back.
How would he like it if someone flushed all his fvorite toys down the toilet ??
Hey there! You need to go to Lowe's or Home Depot or somewhere and get a toilet lid lock. They are easy to put on and a little bit of a pain to use, but totally worth NOT having your kid playing in the toilet, drowning, or flushing your things. And when he outgrows this stage, you just take it off. It doesn't ruin your lid or anything.
Dr. Silver HELP US!!!!
Mrs. D, I miss your blog. Unfortunately my son learned how to unlock those when he was 2. He is very tricky. Kate, I have tried to say that and he would enjoy seeing me flush something down the toilet. He claims that he can not control his brain. Caffeine Lady, Dr. Silver wants to commit him.
YIKES! It's been such a long time since my kids were little. Don't they make lock things to go on the toilet? On the other hand, he's got to learn. Guess I'm not much help on this one!
I was just burnt out, so I quit, but thanks. I am still reading all my faves, though.
Hmmm.... I am stumped on the toilet situation. Our toilet lock was so damned complicated that we had to undo it for house guests. It took 2 hands and a strong grip. Not good when you really had to go! Good luck with this.
They have those horrifically annoying toilet lock things that you would use as a last resort. Just don't have to use the bathroom in an emergency unless you get REALLY good at opening it. Sorry to hear about your watch.
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