Monday, September 22, 2008

Motivation,Determination and a Pulled Muscle

Well, it happened, when you jump off the couch and suddenly shock your body, it will retaliate.

Yes, ten years ago I did do an Olympic triathlon but that was 10 years ago and even then it was difficult. Anyway, apparently my piriformis is not happy and I am having upper leg/hip pain to the point of limping, so I did not go to Basic Training in fear of being injured further. I am icing,soaking,taking Advil and resting. I will go back on Wednesday, especially since the thought of an amazing woman that I met there is haunting me.

This 41 year old woman looks amazing! But of course the first thing you notice about her is that her head is shaved. She is fighting Breast Cancer. Six months after giving birth to her last child she was diagnosed. Luckily, it looks like it was all contained, she had the lump removed and now she is going through 33 days straight of chemotherapy.

Does she miss basic training for this? NO! She says that the exercise and the friendships have really helped her through it and the group supports her with helping with meals,babysitting and cheering her on during her really bad days. The camaraderie is really touching. Now that is a MOTIVATED and DETERMINED person with a lot of strength and I can not let a little pulled muscle bring me down.


Scarlet O'Kara said...

She sounds like an amazing woman...

Anonymous said...

You need your bell
That is so sad about your new friend.
I will pray for her

Anonymous said...

It's your Birthday.
Everybody.... it's simplynotso's Birthday. She weighed 7 lbs 3 oz
and was beautiful and still is.
She's my baby :)

Caffeine Court said...

Hey there SNS.

I know you are home, why didn't you answer your phone.

Why did you have to write about that incredibly motivated person?

Now I feel like such a slacker! LOL (at my own joke)

Happy b-day to GJK.

Maureen said...

Wow... I have zero excuses.