Monday, September 29, 2008
Busting the Brownies
I was very happy when my daughter told me that she wanted to join the Girl Scouts. The thought of sweet little girls sitting around a camp fire singing songs, doing crafts and giggling softly ran through my head. I was excited for both of us because as a child I also wanted to be a Brownie. As a matter of fact , I still have the wooden Christmas Tree napkin holder that I made at my one and only meeting. All of my hopes and dreams of being a Girl Scout were quickly fizzled by my 2 older sisters who taunted me with how "uncool" it was. Yes, they are 4 and 5 years my senior and EVERYTHING that they said, I believed.
Looking forward to my daughter's first year, I contacted the woman in charge of our local troops. I quickly learned that this Brownie group was led by a co op of mothers, so I would have my Brownie experience with my daughter! Brownies is held immediately after school in a classroom. I went to the first meeting to observe. Wow! These nine little girls were screaming, jumping on desks, climbing under desks, climbing the walls(okay the a/c units attached to the walls) but really out of control. There were 2 women leading and several older girls assisting. Yes, they did calm down, a little for the "project of the day" but overall it was OUT OF CONTROL!!!!
Now, don't get me wrong, my daughter can be pretty wild at home but in every organized setting ,since day 1 she has been praised for her excellent, quiet behavior(which she does not get from her mother). Now I see why, if these are her peers. I try not to judge , but there was one girl that everyone was feeding off of who was extra "energetic". I thought to myself, boy she needs some discipline. We all know that we should never judge and I soon relearned this lesson.
After a long discussion with my daughter about how the other girls behavior was unacceptable and that it should not be allowed to happen, she agreed. Well, who do you think was scaling the top of the desks when I came to pick up at the last meeting! Yes, my sweet baby! Of course, I immediately called her down and explained to her that she would no longer be a Brownie if she wanted to act like that.
Let me ask you, fellow bloggers, am I being too harsh or does someone need to get control of these 6 and 7 year old girls. I know this is supposed to be fun, but someone is going to get hurt and certainly badges may not get earned. LOL. Besides the fact, how am I going to lead these crazy kids:) HELP!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Motivation,Determination and a Pulled Muscle
Well, it happened, when you jump off the couch and suddenly shock your body, it will retaliate.
Yes, ten years ago I did do an Olympic triathlon but that was 10 years ago and even then it was difficult. Anyway, apparently my piriformis is not happy and I am having upper leg/hip pain to the point of limping, so I did not go to Basic Training in fear of being injured further. I am icing,soaking,taking Advil and resting. I will go back on Wednesday, especially since the thought of an amazing woman that I met there is haunting me.
This 41 year old woman looks amazing! But of course the first thing you notice about her is that her head is shaved. She is fighting Breast Cancer. Six months after giving birth to her last child she was diagnosed. Luckily, it looks like it was all contained, she had the lump removed and now she is going through 33 days straight of chemotherapy.
Does she miss basic training for this? NO! She says that the exercise and the friendships have really helped her through it and the group supports her with helping with meals,babysitting and cheering her on during her really bad days. The camaraderie is really touching. Now that is a MOTIVATED and DETERMINED person with a lot of strength and I can not let a little pulled muscle bring me down.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
To PTA or not to PTA that is the question?
Now, the purpose of this post is not to scare anyone away from the PTA. Actually, it is the opposite and I certainly do not think this video is an accurate example of most PTA interactions, at least in my experience. Recently, I was at back to school night and one of the mothers in my daughter's classroom was inquiring about a phone directory and said, "I really want a directory but don't you have to join the PTA to get one and no one joins the PTA"(giggle). Well, I am on the board of the PTA, yes in a small position that enables me to help but not be over scheduled. Our school just opened 2 years ago and we are still building our PTA membership. She then turned to the teacher and said, "Let me know if you need anything, I just sit at home all day doing nothing."(which also makes me cringe because as a SAHM I would hardly say we DO NOTHING!)
Needless to say, the phone directory is sponsored by the PTA and everyone can get one regardless if you are a member of the PTA. My point is, you can join the PTA for 10.00 to contribute and don't have to DO ANYTHING or you can take some of your downtime and give a little to your children's school, you choose. But don't brag about DOING NOTHING in the same breath as I WANT a directory and NO ONE joins the PTA!
My experience so far with the PTA has been very positive. I have met some nice people, I get to know the staff at the school at a different level(which can be very helpful) and I am a part of enhancing my children's experience. Believe me, at first I was hesitant to get involved since many people discouraged me. One woman I quote said, "Join the PTA, I mean if that is who you want to hang out with!" What! Are we in the movie Mean Girls? Give me a break, just joining the PTA does not mean that is who you have to socialize with. But really, what is wrong with meeting all kinds of people and "hanging out" with many different types of people. Is that not what we want to teach our children?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Nothing Basic about this Training
Well, I did it , I had a great year of relaxing, enjoying margaritas, parties, trips, family adventures, and even my fair share of life's little stresses. Unfortunately, along with all that came 20 not-so-lovely pounds, yes 20 in a year!!!! So with no breast feeding ahead of me to shred the ugly bulge I had to do something drastic. That is what brings me to Basic Training and a man named Andre, who likes to torture us Moms (and a few brave Dads) with his smiling face and exercises that literally bring you to your knees. I have to ask, what did we do to you Andre? Really, we were just taking care of our families, volunteering at school, making dinners, doing laundry, keeping up on current affairs, carpooling, blogging, working, enjoying friends and trying to be green. So, we did not make time for exercise and now we are paying. I am discovering muscles that I only heard about in Anatomy and Physiology. I never actually wanted to feel them!! But I do, and I will return on Monday, 3 days a week for the drudgery, because in the end, after the hour is over I feel better, energized and ready to take on whatever comes my way. Goodbye 20!!!
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